Tools for More Magic!
Every magician has their magic bag....why should you be any different?
Be like the wizard browsing through the magic store as you browse through the tools and fun stuff I use to help people dance in their magic.
Take only what is valuable...leave the rest.
And if there is something you are looking for that isn't on the Get In Touch button above, and we can connect.
The International Coaching Federation 2024 ICF Snapshot Survey: Coaching and Mental Well-Being shares that 85% of the over 10,000 coaches asked are reporting that clients are seeking support for their mental well-being...only 6% of coaches worldwide used self-reflection as a technique to support their clients.
Self reflection is well known for its ability to foster deeper insights and lasting growth...
So, my coaches, I have put together 4 "66 Reflective Writing Prompt" documents to make it easier for you to use self reflection in your work with:
Usually, this is the first place I start with my clients - packing your backpack for the journey with all the stuff that lights you up - the achievements you have worked your ass off for, the things you are most proud of, the people you are most grateful for, the things (and I use that term loosely) that you love, that make you smile, that you enjoy. We are packing it all. This serves 2 purposes. reminds you (and those neurons firing together in your brain) of all the magic you already have in your life - much of which you have created. And two, it gives your body an extra dose of dopamine - the "feel good hormone" that gives you a sense of pleasure (especially helpful on those days you can't find any) and ramps up your motivation to do something (because who doesn't want to do more when they are in a pleasure state of mind).
We all have moments throughout our lives when we were in total flow. When we stood in our full light, our cells vibrated at a different level, and we were rocking it hard. And before you say you don’t have any like that, trust me, we all do. Sometimes they are just stuffed in a box under 4 other boxes at the back of our memory closet. This exercise is about doing the YOU research – combing through stories to find the common theme (sort of like High School English class). The difference is here, the stories you are combing through are all yours (as opposed to stories written by some dead white guy).
Values are about what you believe and hold important, and are what drives our words, thoughts, behaviours and intentions. So, being clear about your values, then aligning all of you to those values...well...that is where the magic happens. For many of us though, we have never actually taken a moment to articulate those values, never put alot of thought into what drives us, what we believe in our core, what we hold most important. That's what this is for! And trust me, there are ALOT of exercises out there (seriously, I have done some research on it). I like using the Values Exercise designed by Dare to Lead author Brene Brown as a starting point to help my clients begin to get clear on what their top 2 values - the filters through which they make most of their decisions - really are.
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